Mt. Vernon, WA
What's in Mt. Vernon, Wa? Lots of color in their fields that's what! Tulip blooms are fast filling the fields with color as far as the eye can see.

The Skagit Valley (Mt. Vernon, Wa) Tulip Festival is one BIG destination stop in the Pacific Northwest. Here from April 1-30 they celebrate millions of tulips bursting into bloom.

As with all things governed by Mother Nature, the tulips bloom according to their own schedule sometime during the festival. The tulips allow this area to share their corner of the world.

The festival is designed as a driving tour, there is no one "site" to enter. The fields of tulips are scattered throughout the Skagit Valley as are the many events and activities that make up the festival. On our way to coffee, we simply pulled over, jumped out, snapped photos and sighed deeply;)

Yes the flowers are eye candy, but what makes the viewing even more fantastic is the backdrop - Mt. Baker!

The Tulip festival – now in it's 34th year – welcomes people from across the United States and from around the world. We were lucky to be in the right place at the right time, once again