Buddha Beach, Sedona

When you have an opportunity to explore with a local, you take it! Yes, we have visited Sedona in the past, but not like this - off the beaten path. On this day we were taken to a special little place called Buddha Beach. It’s located in the Crescent Moon Picnic Area, otherwise known as Red Rock Crossing. It's not a highly populated area, no signs, you definitely need to find it on your own. The 'beach' is tucked neatly behind a forest and in between creeks. You will get wet hiking here. Apparently the site of a strong feminine vortex, Buddha Beach sits next to Oak Creek and is filled with hundreds, if not thousands of cairns. What are cairns you ask? They are human-made piles of stones stacked one on top of another. Here at Buddha Beach, carins are stacked in groupings on trees, in bushes, within the water. You can’t help but be in awe as you hike through trees of green, rocks of red, skies of blue - inspiring you to build a carin or two.